Women do the same amount of work - if not more - as men and are still undervalued when it comes to their paychecks; this fact alone makes women want to bite back. PayDay will support women by releasing a 22% smaller candy bar - the percentage of how little women are appreciated - so men can get a taste of what getting less feels like.
Equal PayDay
Women are being paid 78 cents to every $1 a man makes for the same job, which means that women’s paychecks are 22 cents smaller than that of their male co-workers. The smaller candy bar will show men that getting less can always leave you hungry for more.
Package redesign will include Gender Pay Gap Facts on the back. These facts will show the actual percentages of how little women are appreciated in three different areas, race, occupation and by state. These Gender Pay Gap Facts are also featured on the outside of the Hershey Factory.
The Hershey Factory in Hershey, PA
The 22% smaller candy bar will be handed out at the D.C. Women’s March.
Social ads will highlight women who have made extremely large strides in the fight for pay equality.
Negotiation tactics will live on all social outlets, starting with Instagram.
Earned media will undoubtably garner positive feedback by highlighting an issue that effects everyone.