Hi, I’m Hilary!

(I’m the one on the left)


 Things I Should Probably Be Embarrassed About, But I'm Not: 

- For starters... this picture

- My parents like to often tell me that they raised me wrong

- I get a weird amount of joy from watching fan-made YouTube videos of famous will they or won't they TV couples

- I've used a Shampoo bottle as an Oscar and given an acceptance speech to my bathroom mirror…more than once

​- I wholeheartedly believe that Parks and Recreation can cure any and every kind of illness (I'm convinced that Season 3, Episode 2 titled “Flu Season” healed a formerly broken heart of mine) 

​- Hottest take I will probably ever have: Rihanna is better than Beyonce

Phone: (847) 380-0218

Email: hilstev@gmail.com